So I Guess VHS Nostalgia is a Thing Now

Posted 7 years ago by Tech

VHS Nostalgia

I was wandering through my local Goodwill yesterday and after finding a sweet toy from my childhood I ventured into the VHS section. Now it’s important to note that I don’t have a CRT TV or a VCR and haven’t for like six years. But, I’ve been wanting to get a little TV/VCR combo to put in my office so I can play old-school video games and watch random VHS tapes, so me getting all nostalgic isn’t totally unwarranted.

Anyway, I’m standing at this wall of VHS tapes reading the ends of the boxes upside down and trying to spot anything good, and I realize that I’m going to bring home a stack of VHS tapes that I’ll only be able to look at. I started to put them back, but my moment of sanity was sadly temporary.
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72Pins: Awesome NEStalgic Art

Posted 7 years ago by Art, Games


I’ve been enjoying the Top Hat Sasquatch Instagram account way too much lately. Not only have I been posting pictures of my nostalgic junk for the past week, but I’ve been finding all sorts of cool photos by browsing interesting tags. I thought I had seen a lot of cool retro gaming stuff, but today I found something that takes the cake.

72Pins. A site where you can get NES cartridges designed to look like games that never existed for the NES. Modern games like Call of Duty and Skyrim are available, as well as carts based on movies and TV, like Adventure Time and Arrested Development. The art is great and the carts still have whatever random game was used on the inside.

I had seen the Call of Duty cart around the web before, but somehow I’d never heard about 72Pins. I love stuff like this and quickly ordered the Sonic, Adventure Time, and Totoro carts. I can’t wait to see what else they release.

They also offer custom carts, and with Tim’s awesome 8-bit THS mascot, I’m definitely looking into ordering some.

Let’s Talk About J.J. Abrams Directing Star Wars Episode VII

Posted 7 years ago by Movies

J.J. Abrams

Ok, there’s no point in making this post sound like any kind of news story or announcement, because you’ve heard it already (not to mention I’m a day late). J.J. Abrams is directing the new Star Wars movie, which is the biggest news related to Episode VII we’ve had and just the tip of the iceberg of what we’ll be getting over the next couple years.

I’m going to save my in-depth opinion for something Tim and I will be unveiling soon, but I will say this: I think J.J. Abrams is a very talented dude, and I can trust him with a Star Wars movie. He’s practically been proteged by Steven Spielberg and although he has some gimmicks (insert lens flare joke here), he is a big enough Star Wars fan that I think he will treat this movie as the most important thing he’ll ever do, and try to do it right.
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Microsoft Actually Made Something Awesome

Posted 7 years ago by Tech

Microsoft knows whats up. 90s nostalgia hasn’t been mined as much as 80s nostalgia, and it hits home for people my age and a little younger. I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more stuff like this in the next few years, which is fine by me, because the 90s was such a funny decade. Everything was brightly colored, goofy, and extra awesome.

I don’t know if this ad will make people rush out and use Microsoft products, but it might make them rush to ebay and pick up a Super Soaker, Lisa Frank folder, or a box of Troll dolls. No comment on which one I searched for after I watched this.

Devour via Daring Fireball

Cool Stuff: Joey Ellis’ ‘Sketchbookery Volume 1’

Posted 7 years ago by Art

Sketchbookery Volume 1

Joey Ellis is a cool dude and a great artist, and I’ve enjoyed stalking following him on Twitter and Instagram for a long time now. He opened a shop not too long ago and I try to snag everything he adds as often as possible.

Today he added something very cool, a book! It’s called Sketchbookery Volume 1 and it’s a collection of his awesome doodles. Here’s a description from Joey’s blog post announcing the book:

Sketchbookery Volume 1 is a collection of silly drawings, doodles and other nonsense that are found in my sketchbooks, scraps of paper, and what have you. Over 100 original pieces of original art that will make you question my professionalism. The book is 48 pages long, just long enough to enjoy a cup of coffee over. Trust me. I timed it.

I ordered my copy, and you should too! It’s probably the best $5 you’ll spend today.