Top Hat Sasquatch 4.0
Posted 7 years ago by Tommy Stuff
Hey there! You may have noticed that some things changed around here. I’m currently messing around with a revamped design and trying to make the site a bit more modern. Hopefully you’ll find the reading experience a lot better with this version. I’m still neck-deep in the code so there are still plenty of things that aren’t perfect yet, but I wanted to launch it early and get some feedback.
In preparation for more editorial-style posts, I’ve made images, captions, quotes, and all that kind of stuff a lot prettier. The site is also retina-ready for the first time, so if you’re browsing from a newer iPhone, iPad, or Retina Macbook, everything will look a little sharper.
Admittedly, I haven’t even tested the site in Internet Explorer yet, and I probably won’t. IE 9 should display everything just fine, and if Google doesn’t support IE 8 and below, I don’t think I should have to either.