You Had Me At ‘Hobbit Moleskine Notebooks’

Posted 8 years ago by Books

Hobbit Moleskines

Seriously, Moleskine, just shut up and take my money. As a guy who spends way too much time in front of screens I tend to enjoy things like paper and pens whenever I can. I’ve usually always got a Moleskine notebook with me, but I’ve yet to pull the trigger on any of the licensed variety. It’s not that I didn’t love the Star Wars and LEGO notebooks, but I just didn’t have to have them.

However, I need these Hobbit inspired notebooks pretty bad. They come in brownish and redish varieties complete with awesome Tolkieny embossed illustrations and fold-out maps. I’m sure they’ll make you look like a huge nerd when you’re sitting at Starbucks taking notes, but I don’t care, I want ’em.

Check out the page on Moleskine’s website to learn more. They’re available to buy in a few places, but why not get them from ThinkGeek and build up points?

Between these and my Tolkien/Calvin & Hobbes Mashup t-shirt, I think I’m ready to see The Hobbit.

Preview the First Track from The Soundtrack to ‘The Hobbit’

Posted 8 years ago by Music

The Hobbit Soundtrack

I haven’t talked much about The Lord of the Rings and my obsession love with Tolkien much on this site. It’s probably a good thing I wasn’t running this blog in High School, because between those movies and the Star Wars prequels, it’s all I would have blogged about.

One of my favorite things about the LOTR movies was the score by Howard Shore, and it’s the thing I’m looking forward to the most about The Hobbit films. Now we can preview the first track, and after listening to it I’m even more excited. I was afraid it would just be more of the same music, but this sounds a lot different (but still awesome).
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One Simply Cannot Watch the ‘LEGO: The Lord of the Rings’ Trailer

Posted 8 years ago by Games

Come on, seriously, they’re going to make a billion dollars with this game. Actual movie dialogue? Brilliant, because the minifigure pantomime was getting a little old, and you really can’t have Gandalf facing down a Balrog and grunt instead of saying ‘You shall not pass!’

That reminds me, where’s my LEGO Balrog? How is that not a thing yet?

Via The Mary Sue

Shirt of the Day: Halfling and Wizard

Posted 8 years ago by Shirts

Halfling and Wizard

Calvin and Hobbes mashups are becoming quite the rage these days. Bill Watterson’s classic comic strip has such a great art style and lends itself so well to depictions of Pop Culture bromance. This shirt entitled Halfling and Wizard went up for sale today on Threadless, and it’s probably my favorite Calvin and Hobbes mashup yet. Frodo looks so cute in Watterson’s style, as does everyone’s favorite wizard, Gandalf.

This kind of makes me want to see a Empire-inspired, Luke and Yoda in the style of Calvin and Hobbes, but I don’t know how cute Yoda would look as Calvin. Maybe Cool Johnny can tackle that one next.

You can buy the shirt at Threadless and a tiny bit will come back to us, letting us buy toys and goof off and such.

Tiny Little Blocks: LEGO in 2012

Posted 8 years ago by Podcast, Uncategorized

Episode 14

Tim and Tommy are always up for talking Lego, and this week they have a lot to talk about. 2012 is a huge year for the toy company, with Marvel Super Heroes, Lord of the Rings, Dino, Friends, and Monster Hunter lines debuting, alongside additional sets in all the classic series. Throw in a few more of the collectible minifigures and you’ve got a great year to be obsessed with LEGO.