Check Out This Amazing Mario Figurine (and dioramas) Coming Soon From Bandai

Posted 6 years ago by Toys


Wow, this is too cool. Bandai is gearing up to release an awesome Mario figurine and two diorama sets that include bricks, coins, a Goomba, turtle shell, and more. The figurine looks super posable, and they’re up for preorder on Amazon right now. It looks like they won’t ship until June, but these are a must-buy for me.

It looks like the Mario will run $25, and the dioramas will be about $20 each. That’s not bad for as high quality as these look.
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Jetsons Valentine Scans [1989]

Posted 6 years ago by Television

Jetsons Valentines

Remember when The Jetsons surged in popularity again in the 80s and early 90s? The show came back in 1985 and then they released Jetsons: The Movie in 1990, so it’s no surprise that they made Jetsons Valetines in 89. I don’t know if kids would have been that excited about getting Valentines featuring George Jetson and the gang, but I probably would have. I was a weird kid though.
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The LEGO Movie: Everything is Awesome

Posted 6 years ago by Movies

The LEGO Movie

Holy crap you guys, The LEGO Movie is amazing. This was probably one of the movies I was most excited about this year, and I’d be very surprised if anything comes out that tops it for me. Seriously, Captain America 2 could be the best Marvel movie ever and I’m pretty sure my top movie would still go to The LEGO Movie. It’s that good.

It has everything. Top-notch writing, an excellent cast, and great pacing and action. On top of that, it’s one of the most visually pleasing animated movies in a long, long time. Even during parts where there wasn’t a joke (which was rare), I was just sitting there smiling because of how the movie looks.

I think this is going to make a bzillion dollars because I went to a 10pm screening and the audience was half adults and half kids. These kids were PUMPED to see this movie, but the adults were laughing harder. Chris Miller and Phil Lord are great at turning mediocre concepts into great comedy. There are some insanely funny jokes in this movie.
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Ducktales Valentine Scans [1986]

Posted 6 years ago by Television

Ducktales Valentine

I’ve loved putting together the Vintage Valentine Giveaway this year, and I really think it’s going to be an annual thing on Top Hat Sasquatch. One of the best parts is just getting to see all these retro Valentines again. Some I actually remembered having as a kid.

But some, like these awesome Ducktales Valentines from 1986, were a little before my elementary school days so I never had them. Being obsessed with retro stuff, especially retro stuff based on my favorite cartoons, I love seeing the designs on these Valentines. Part of my original idea for doing the Valentine giveaway was that I could take my favorites and scan them before I sent them out to people so I could archive them in blog posts here. That way everyone can see all the Valentines!

Below is a gallery of all the Valentines that came in this Ducktales box. Click each one to embiggen, and feel free to download and share these!
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Comic Review: Battle Classics

Posted 6 years ago by Comics

Battle Classics

As an American, I can’t say that I was familiar with Battle, Battle Picture Weekly, Battle Action Force, or any of the dozen of variations on the title of the long-running British war comic book until Titan Books came a’calling and asked if I wanted to review Battle Classics, a new collected edition of select stories from the series’ run.  But now that I’ve given the book a chance, I wouldn’t mind digging a little deeper into the Battle canon to see what other treasures I might find.

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