Shirt of the Day: Final Boss

Posted 10 years ago by Shirts

Final Boss

For you, every day is an epic adventure.

After you battle through morning traffic, you take on TPS Reports, spar with a wicked receptionist, attack your InBox with berzerker rage, and vanquish the evils of annoying customers. Before you know it, you’re still at work an hour after the office has closed on a Friday evening…and you have yet to take on your greatest challenge of the day – The Final Boss.

Somehow, as he calls you into his torch-lit chambers, you find yourself with three hearts left; it’s not much, but it’ll help.  Little does he know you also have a secret weapon – you know about the boss and the wicked receptionist.  This secret was given to you by a helpful bearded manager, who beckoned you into his cubicle and whispered in your ear, “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this!”

Armed with this knowledge and your own fortitude, there’s no way he’s going to keep you late tonight.  Not now.  Not ever again.

Add this awesome 8-bit inspired shirt to your collection by heading over to Threadless.