Disney is Making a Live Action/CG ‘Rescue Rangers’ Movie. Wait, What?

Posted 6 years ago by Movies

Rescue Rangers

I haven’t seen the Smurfs or Chipmunk movies because they look like horrible abominations and I feel like I have to sit through a trailer for one every other time I go to the movies. But, they seem to make a shitton of money and it looks like Disney wants to get a piece of that pie by using one of the most beloved cartoons from my childhood, Chip n Dale’s Rescue Rangers. I feel conflicted.


  • Rescue Rangers getting popular again means it’s more likely for shows like Ducktales and Gummi Bears to make comebacks
  • It could be really fun if done by people who loved the show
  • The theme song is bitchin


  • It will probably suck
  • The director is very inexperienced
  • It’s live action/cg hybrid
  • The theme song will probably be covered by some horrible band

Seriously, why live action/CG? Rescue Rangers would look awesome as a straight CG movie. The Rescue Rangers didn’t get involved with humans much anyway, it was mostly other animals. Oh well, maybe it won’t be the worst thing ever.

Via Cartoon Brew and SlashFilm

  • Urrrrrgh. I don’t… I just don’t… Errrrrrm.

  • The Sewer Den

    The game on NES was also pretty sweet.