Sesame Street’s Follow That Bird – 25th Anniversary DVD

Posted 11 years ago by Movies


Follow That Bird was Sesame Street’s first (and best) movie, and to celebrate it’s 25th Anniversary, Warner Bros has released a special edition DVD. I upgraded from the previous version, and since I’ve written about the movie in the early days, this is mainly going to be a short review of the new DVD.

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New TMNT Live Action Movie Planned for 2011

Posted 11 years ago by Movies


Image from

As I obviously predicted the other day, Mirage announced a new live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie today. The part that surprised me is that it is actually going to be actors and stunt men in suits with CG face replacement, much like they’re doing with the new Where the Wild Things Are movie (that is produced by the same guy as the new TMNT movie). Peter Laird announced this on his blog, and I was pretty happy about that.

The film is going to use the original comics as inspiration and the film will be a origin story, so this could be the Batman Begins of Turtledom. This is all very cool, especially since 2011 isn’t really that far away, and even if the world does in in 2012 we’ll at least get to see a new live action Turtles movie before we all blow up.

Here are some quick suggestions to Mirage and Legendary Pictures on how to make this movie awesome for new audiences and us 20-something bloggers that grew up with the TMNT.

  • Don’t try to get super famous people for all the voices – I don’t want to hear Seth Rogen as Raphael or Jonah Hill as Michelangelo. Corey Feldman did a good job as Donatello though, and he needs work.
  • Don’t be afraid to embrace the wild sci-fi elements of the comics – We won’t mind at all if you have Fugitoid, Mousers, or even teleportation and Triceratons. Think of how wacky Star Wars is if you really think about it.
  • Don’t evoke the so called “style” of Sin City, 300, and The Spirit – It’s annoying, and in a few years will not be relevant anymore.

It sounds like the planets are aligning a little for this one, so lets hope it turns out amazing. Also, since I’ve got a couple years, I’m going to set a crazy goal right here on Saturday Morning Central. Somehow, I’m going to be at the premier of this movie in 2011.

All the more reason for you to keep reading SMC for two years, to be continued!

The Muppets/Ocean’s 11 Smashup

Posted 11 years ago by Stuff

You have to love a smashup that is done really well, and this one ranks right up there with the Toy Story/Dark Knight in terms of originality.

Via Slash Film

Shirt of the Week

Posted 11 years ago by Shirts


I don’t think the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers get enough nostalgia-love yet, but I’m sure in a few more years people will start remembering them more, and write about how crazy the first shows were.

Thats why I picked an awesome Power Rangers shirt as the first Shirt of the Week here on SMC. It was a close race between the shirt above and this crazy Zed Shirt, but it came down to a matter of practicality (I’m not brave enough to wear the Zed shirt, but the PR logo is doable).

Alex Deligiannis’ Rocksteady

Posted 11 years ago by Stuff


Thanks to the modern wonder that is Twitter, today I was introduced to an awesome artist named Alex Deligiannis. He works on The Fairly Odd Parents, creates comics, and is a huge Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan. He has a blog called Stay Tooned, and today he posted his version of the classic TMNT character Rocksteady.

He was gracious enough to let me post it here, but be sure to check out his sites and follow Alex on Twitter. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see his interpretations of Krang’s Android Body and Ace Duck.

Now lets all join together and convince him to open an Etsy shop to sell us prints!