Vintage Valentines Cards!

Posted 6 years ago by Stuff

Vintage Valentines!

This year I finally remembered to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time before it was too late. For a while I’ve been hoarding unopened Valentine’s Day card boxes from the 80s and 90s, with the intention of just giving them out to people. For some reason I always forget to get it going before it’s too late, but this year I am on top of it. I ordered a bunch of new Valentine’s and have been preparing for a massive Vintage Valentines Giveaway!

It’s not a contest or anything, I just want to send you Valentines. I am pretty obsessed with vintage stuff and I get a kick out of seeing Valentines cards from when I was younger, and I figured that a lot of you would too. Who doesn’t remember decorating your cereal box and getting bombarded with cards in elementary school? I remember saving the most awesome cards in each box for my best friends and crushes.

Well this year, I want to share the wealth and send you an envelope full of vintage Valentines. I have plenty to go around, and I’m hoping to be able to send everyone at least 5 Valentines. All you have to do is fill out the form below and let me know where to send them. And don’t worry, I’ll delete all the entries after I get them mailed out.

Be default, I will fill out only one card in your envelope and leave the rest blank, so you can pass them out to friends if you want! If you have any specific instructions, feel free to squeeze them in somewhere in the form. In addition to the boxes in the photo above, I have some Garfield, Space Jam, and California Raisins ones too, so you’ll get an awesome assortment!

If you have any friends you think would dig this giveaway, feel free to spread the word!

I’ll leave the form open until Thursday or Friday of this week and then close it and get everything mailed out!

Update: Only one entry per address please!

Shameless Donation Button

Want to donate a tiny amount to help me recoup the costs of shipping these Valentines? Feel free to use the Paypal button below!

Thanks for signing up!

  • Usagi

    Thanks so much for this! I entered my information and sent a couple of bucks to help out.

  • I found this a little too late. Such an awesome idea though!