Shirt of the Day: Don’t Blink

Posted 9 years ago by Shirts

Don't Blink

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When Steven Moffat unleashed Blink, the now-iconic episode of the modern era of Doctor Who, he brought back something that was sadly missing from Who up until this point – a truly terrifying, original monster.

There have been plenty of t-shirts made featuring the Weeping Angels, but very few are as awe-inspiring as this one from Ript, available today only. The artwork is impressive, and even if you’re not a fan of the text, as some people on Ript’s site are saying, it doesn’t detract from the overall design too much. Personally, I really dig the text and its rough appearance. And without the text, it would just be an angel statue on a t-shirt. Sure, it could be a Doctor Who reference, or it could be a lame Goth shirt kids buy at Hot Topic. The text makes it a Doctor Who shirt, so it’s absolutely essential to the design.

If you’re a Who fan, head over to Ript today and snatch up this excellent design today. It’s $10 well spent.

Shirt of the Day: Angry Buffet

Posted 9 years ago by Shirts

angry buffet

Everybody loves Angry Birds, right? For being so pissed off, they’re all cute and cuddly, and the way they dispatch pigs in the game is so rated G it borders on adorable.

But in real-life, outside of the game, it’s a completely different story. Those blood thirsty avians aren’t just angry…they’re hungry. And they won’t let a good slice of bacon or ham go to waste.

If you’re ok with bird-on-pig violence, you might want to “dig in” to today’s Ript Apparel t-shirt, available only on 1/31/2011. Head over to their website to pick up your own for only $10.