Top 5 360 and PS3 Games of 2010

Posted 10 years ago by Games

This was an amazing year to have either an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, the reason for combining these two top 5 lists was because so many of the games that came out were available for both systems simultaneously. For judging this list: Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 games were judged based on their exclusivity at the time of the release, any game released on both the 360 and PS3 are judged in a separate list: “the top 5 multi-console releases” which are judged at the bottom of this post.

Top 5 Xbox 360 Games of 2010

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Jurassic Park Coming to Blu-ray in 2011!

Posted 10 years ago by Movies

Jurassic Park Blu-ray
Not actual box art

This is the news I’ve been waiting for. My favorite film of all time (along with it’s underrated first sequel and the-sequel-who-will-not-be-named) is coming to Blu-ray. I could watch Jurassic Park every day if I had to, and now that it’s going to be available in HD for the first time, I just might. is reporting via a French website that someone at Universal has mentioned the Jurassic Park trilogy, Scarface, and various westerns and Hitchcock films will be making their way to the Blu-ray format later this year. I could ramble on for pages about how badly I want Jurassic Park and The Lost World on Blu-ray like yesterday, but I’ll save my rambles for when they’re released.


Will you be picking any of these Blu-rays up in 2011?


Geek Showdown: Chrome OS vs. Google TV

Posted 10 years ago by Tech

Geek Showdown

When I’m not blogging here, playing video games, or negotiating hostage situations, I’m a freelance web designer/developer. I design and build sites like this one for cool people and businesses. It’s what I love to do, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be self-employed for about a year now.

When I first heard about Google’s program to get a free Logitech Revue, and then a few months later their Chrome OS Pilot Program, I quickly signed up as a developer/business owner. I filled out the applications but never expected to get anything, so when I got an email saying I was going to receive the Google TV, I was pretty excited. Little did I know, but on the same day I would get a Google CR-48 laptop in a mysterious box. That was a good day.

So, how do these gadgets fit in the day-to-day life of a geek like me? Let’s find out.

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Captain America News: The Cosmic Cube & Red Skull Concept Art

Posted 10 years ago by Movies

The Cosmic Cube

Happy Monday! Nothing starts a geek week off like a new photo from a superhero movie and an unsubstantiated supposedly-legit piece of concept art to go with it. Joe Johnston’s Captain America movie comes out in July and we should be getting close to the first teaser trailer, but for now we’ll have to cope with a new image of Huge Weaving holding the Cosmic Cube.

Along with Thor, I’m very excited about this movie, but my biggest concerns are with the choice of directors. If this is Johnston’s masterpiece we should be alright, but if it’s anything close to his typical film than it’s in the wrong hands. Regardless, Huge Weaving was an inspired choice to play Red Skull. I may have no idea what the Cosmic Cube is (let me know in the comments), but it’s a new image from the movie and that’s good enough for me.

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Toypedia – Awesome Photos of Tiny Toys

Posted 10 years ago by Toys


When our good blogging friend Weirdo Toys suggests someone to follow on Twitter, we listen. That’s how I found out about Toypedia, an awesome blog all about odd little minifigures. The photos are very well done and the toys are often completely random and interesting. As someone with a new camera and no clue how to use it properly, I could learn a few lessons.

Be sure to also check out Toypedia’s Flickr stream, and if you ever happen to find any of the crazy minifigures featured on the site, please put them in a tiny box and send them to me immediately.