Just Give Me the Movie

Posted 9 years ago by Podcast, Uncategorized

In the second episode of Bubble Pipe Theater, Tommy, Tim, and Rob discuss Disney’s D23 Expo, debate the merits of the upcoming Star Wars Blu-ray set, and debut the new ongoing segment “Current Obsessions.”

‘Portal: No Escape’ is Better than Every Video Game Movie Ever Made, Combined

Posted 9 years ago by Videos

Director Dan Trachtenberg did something I never thought would have been necessary or possible: he made me want a Portal movie. Video game movies suck, and as much as I love Portal, I never considered it Hollywood material. Then I saw Portal: No Escape.

Suddenly I realized that being held hostage by a psycho organization led by GLaDOS that just wants to use you as a guinea pig is kind of creepy, and using their own weapon against them to escape is kind of exciting.

Dan, I kind of really want you to make this into a feature.

Via SlashFilm

Super Cute Superhero Art Prints on Etsy

Posted 9 years ago by Art

It’s too bad these are reserved for someone, but check out these super cute superhero art prints from Etsy artist Loopzart. Anything with Batman and The Hulk smiling is OK in my book.

She also has a Star Wars set (also reserved) that are equally worth checking out, as well as lots of individual prints.

Planet of the Cars

Posted 9 years ago by Podcast, Uncategorized

In the inaugural episode of Bubble Pipe Theater, Tommy, John, Tim, and Rob discuss the ‘Baby Monkey (Going Backwards on a Pig)’ phenomenom, a horrible movie called Birdemic, an eerie correlation between Planet of the Apes and Pixar’s Cars franchise, and everyone’s current obsessions. We’re excited to kick off this geek culture podcast, and we hope you bear with us through the first few episodes as we get all the technical details ironed out.

Amazing Tron Guy Duct Tape Commercial

Posted 9 years ago by Videos

Score one for the geeks. I think I speak for everyone when I say this commercial is full of win. Somehow, imagining Tron Guy making a stop-motion Tron movie in his garage doesn’t require very much suspension of disbelief. At least not as much as imagining him having a wife, that is. I kid, Tron Guy, I kid. You’re my hero.