Google Goggles Sudoku Solver

Posted 9 years ago by Tech

Every advancement in technology can seemingly be used for good or ill. You can use Adobe Photoshop to design beautiful photo illustrations. You can also use it to manufacture photos of your enemies in compromising situations.

The choice is yours. Will you use your new-found power for good or evil? That’s exactly the moral conundrum I faced upon witnessing this new video from Google. It purports to solve those always frustrating Sudoku puzzles simply by snapping a photo of it.

It’s as mind-blowing as it sounds. And after watching the video I’m sure you’re as skeptical as I was. I quickly downloaded the Google app to my iPhone and tried it for myself. Yup, it’s legit. It took 10 seconds tops to get a solution to the sample Sudoku I found.

Now back to those pesky ethics. The official video Google almost encourages you to use this ability to foil others. Certainly they don’t condone cheating but it sure seems like they’re suggesting it.

Surely you have a friend or relative that’s a Sudoku obsessive. Surely you have a Android or iOS phone or device that can get the free Google app. Perhaps a blind Sudoku challenge with said individual is in order.

Excuse me as I pay a visit to my aunt.

  • Wow, that’s awesome. Reminds me of a comment I read on where the author tries to convince his wife that to stop spending free time on sudokus as, “the problem had been solved and didn’t need any more of her time.” Sometimes engineers just miss the point of why we do things.

  • I wonder where the ethics of cheating play into Google’s motto of ‘Don’t Be Evil,’