5 Actors That Shouldn’t Play Daredevil

Posted 8 years ago by Movies


Daredevil in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

I had a draft ready to publish today about Marvel working out a deal with Fox to get the rights to Galactus and Silver Surfer back from Fox, but my slowness paid off, because that turned out to be false. Fox is gearing up to reboot Fantastic Four, and it sounds like they want to hold on to those characters for that franchise, which makes sense. They don’t sound particularly thrilled about making the gritty, Frank Miller-esque Daredevil reboot that has been in the works for a while though, and might actually let the rights to that character revert back to Marvel.

This is cool for many reasons, the most obvious being Marvel could actually do this right. I don’t know how Daredevil would fit in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but at least he would get a good director and cast. I was going to offer my suggestions on who should play Daredevil in the reboot, but as it turns out, I don’t keep up to speed on young, beefy actors and probably don’t know half the people who will be in the running for the character.

What I can do though is give you five actors that should definitely not play Daredevil in the upcoming reboot.

Michael Cera

Michael Cera

Michael Cera kind of became a superhero in 2010’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, but I don’t think he could sell himself as an acrobatic lawyer prowling the rooftops of Hells Kitchen, preying on criminals. Anything more serious than Daredevil pajamas on Michael Cera would look hilarious though, and I’m actually kind of getting sold on the idea.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi

Mr. Buscemi deserves a killer part in a comic book movie, but I can’t picture him in dark red tights. I’d love to hear him monologue to the bad guys and see Fox keep it rated PG-13 though.

Will Arnett

Will Arnett

Let’s get one thing straight. Will Arnett should play every character in every movie, and even though he’s got the physical prowess and scary voice to play the Man Without Fear, every time he opened his mouth I would only be able to hear Gob Bluth. Maybe he could brag about his superhero suit costing $5,000.

Oh well, at least we’re going to get to hear Arnett play LEGO Batman.

Nick Frost

Nick Frost

Nick Frost is one of my favorite actors, and it’s sad seeing his right-hand man Simon Pegg get all the geek love. Nick could use a big breakout performance in a huge live action superhero movie, but I’m not sure if Daredevil is a good fit. Like literally, I don’t know if he’d be able to fit in the costume.

Here’s hoping Edgar Wright can fit him in Ant-Man somewhere.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling

On second thought, I actually don’t have a problem with this. Damn it Drive, why’d you have to go and make Ryan Gosling a badass? He’s supposed to be in internet memes that my sister sends me and I don’t understand, or in boring romantic dramas, not beating criminals to bloody pulps.

I know this list is completely worthless, but I would like to point out the fact that I didn’t add Ben Affleck as a cruel joke, but mainly because I just now thought of it and I’m tired of Photoshopping masks.