![Avatar Happy Meal Toys Avatar Happy Meal Toys](http://tophatsasquatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Avatar_Happy_Meal_Toys.jpg)
Well, the release of the epicly-hyped film Avatar is just around the corner. For better or worse, I’m going to see the movie at my local IMAX theater on Friday. I previously told you about the cool Avatar Toys that I unfortunately haven’t had a chance to play with yet, but today I bring you something new: Avatar Happy Meal Toys.
I didn’t have any nieces or nephews handy when I saw these at my local McDonald’s, so I haven’t picked any up yet, but they will be mine. Whether it’s great or a dud, you can’t deny the impact Avatar will have on the nostalgia of 2009, so the Avatar Happy Meal Toys have earned their place on my junk shelf.
Head over to the official Happy Meal website (weird) to check out more and download the one-size-doesn’t-fit-all Avatar Happy Meal Toy Wallpaper.
Oh, and how often do PG-13 movies get Happy Meal toys?
See also Avatar Toys on Amazon and Avatar toys on eBay.
christopher tupa