Young at Heart Gift Guide Vol. 1 – Stocking Stuffers

Posted 12 years ago by Stuff

SMC's 12 Days of Christmas

Welcome to Saturday Morning Central’s 12 Days of Christmas. Is there a better time of the year to launch a blog dedicated to all the warm, fuzzy memories we have of our childhood than Christmas? Of course not, so today I give you the first really-for-real post of the site, the Holiday Gift Guide: Volume 1 – Stocking Stuffers.

Stocking Stuffers


Justice League Batman with Pig

I saw this in Target yesterday, and instantly thought how cool of a stocking stuffer this would be. As weird as Batman toys usually are, this was still surprising. Why would Batman come with a pig? Apparently its from an episode of Justice League, but I’d rather just think it was completely random.

$9.99 or so at Target | More expensive on Amazon


Super Mario Brothers PVC Figurines

Who doesn’t love Mario Brothers? With the Wii rocking out nursing homes these days, it’s safe to say that everyone from 1 to 92 at least recognizes these characters. These small PVC figures are cute, cheap, and the whole package should fit in your stocking.

$4.99 at Toys R Us | $5.99 on Amazon


Galactic Heroes/Superhero Squad/Combat Heroes/Cute Things

The trend of turning regular action figures in to tiny cute versions is still going strong, and I love it. I’m sure you’ve seen them in some form, whether it was Indiana Jones, Star Wars, or the new GI Joe “Combat Heroes”. They’re tiny, inexpensive (around $6-10), and they’re perfect for decorating your desk. Cross pollination between titles could lead to some interesting results. I wouldn’t mind seeing Cute Darth Vader vs. Cute Hulk. Bonus points for Star Wars for actually packaging a special ‘Stocking Stuffers’ edition of Galactic Heroes.


Misc. Stocking Standards

I imagine each of you have different stocking traditions. I usually end up giving/receiving some sort of candy, socks, and knick-knackery, and for years I’ve always put Necco Wafers in my mom’s stocking.

What are some common things you usually give and get in your stocking?

Coming up next – DVDs!

  • I like the little Christmas “Star Wars” figures — and I read that the Christmas accessories come off, so they don’t feel out of place the other eleven months of the year!

    My husband and I have no kids, which means we get to have toys ourselves! He likes the Mini-mates, so he often gets Star Trek ones in his stocking. I like the Battlestar Galactica ones (both the new and old shows).

    He travels a lot for work so I often put in travel-size toiletries, and I usually put one “big” (in scope, not physical size) item in too — tickets to an event, this year). He oftens puts gift cards in my stocking.

    Happy Holidays!