Well, the first (hopefully annual) Retro Valentine Giveaway is over, and the most-requested cards by a longshot from everyone who entered were these Sonic The Hedgehog cards. I wanted to get some Nintendo Valentines but couldn’t snag any, so I’m glad I was able to get some that were video-game themed.
These cards came out in 1994 at the height of Sonic-mania. I think I got my Sega Genesis in 1995 on my tenth birthday, and it came with Sonic II. I don’t know for sure, but I bet I had these Valentines at some point.
Sonic and Tails look pretty good on these cards, but I’m sure kids in 94 saved the Robotnik cards for their least-favorite friends (and teachers). “You’re so nice it’s disgusting!”….gee thanks.
I should have at least one or two more posts full of 80s/90s Valentine scans before Friday, so stay tuned!