These Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cuddle Pillows Are Amazing

Posted 7 years ago by Toys

TMNT Pillow Buddies

It’s hard to feel guilty about being obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and spending a ton of money on them when everywhere you go stores are filled with awesome TMNT products again. One thing I’ve had my eye on for weeks now since I first saw one at Target is the collection of TMNT Cuddle Pillows (or Pillow Buddies, depending on where you find them). Plush Turtles are always a staple of Turtlemania regardless of the decade, but these are hands-down the best I’ve ever seen, and I knew I had to have them.

The thing that made me even more interested in them was how hard they are to find as a complete set. For a while it seemed like Target only carried Leonardo and Raphael, Toys R Us had Leo and Donnie, Kmart had Leo, and nobody had Mikey. That baffled me, because if you were going to make a cute and cuddly version of a Turtle, why not start with Mikey?

I ended up snagging a Leo at Kmart on sale one day, but just swapped him out for a Donnie. I gave the Leo to my nephew Brady for his 5th birthday, and he loved it. The only thing keeping me from getting them all (because being a 27 year-old guy with no kids wasn’t enough) was the fact that I didn’t think Mikey existed. Well, he does, and even better, you can get each Turtle on Walmart’s website for less than $18 each. Yup, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Raph.

You’re welcome.

I’ll make sure to post some ridiculous pictures of me snuggling with my cuddly Ninja Turtles as soon as the other three get here.

Funko Pop TMNT Coming Next Month!

Posted 7 years ago by Toys

Funko Pop TMNT

Thanks to Cody at Crooked Ninja for tipping me off that these Funko Pop TMNT vinyls have been revealed. I saw a teaser image for them a couple months ago and have been dying to see what the final products would look like, and damn, these are amazing.

I’ve been resisting the urge to get into Funko Pop for a while but this will break me. I’ve had my eye on the Power Rangers vinyls but have never bought any. I think I’ll be getting those as well as every one of these TMNT Funko Pops as soon as they come out. I love how the Funko Pop vinyls are uniform in their cuteness, but the characters still look unique.

What do you think? Will you be ordering these?

Via Crooked Ninja

Cool Stuff: Limited Edition Star Wars iPhone 5 Cases from Firebox

Posted 7 years ago by Tech

Firebox iPhone Case

The world of iPhone cases is rarely exciting anymore, and the lack of originality in most of them (combined with my laziness) is why I always prefer a naked iPhone. These awesome new Star Wars cases from Firebox make finally make me use a case again though, because they are amazing.

They’re pricey at $30 a pop, but they’re crazy detailed and make your phone look like either R2-D2 (my favorite), C-3PO, Darth Vader, and even a fuzzy Chewbacca. I’m trying to decide which to order right now (Chewbacca is just up for pre-order), and I think I’ll pull the trigger on the R2-D2 version.

What do you think of these? Would you walk around with a C-3PO iPhone 5 case complete with exposed wires? If so let’s be friends.

Via Firebox.

Ask ‘Squatch: “What’s That Movie About a Kid with Pet Dinosaurs?” [Prehysteria!]

Posted 7 years ago by Movies

Ask 'Squatch: Prehysteria!

It’s time for another edition of Ask Squatch, where we pick one of the weird, random search queries formed as questions that lead people to the site and answer them, Dear Abby style. I didn’t want the second post in this series to also be about dinosaur movies, but I couldn’t pass up writing about this movie from my childhood.

It was a VHS rental that I remember getting quite a few times, and it’s one of the few movies from my nostalgia that hasn’t been released on DVD yet. I included it on my list of the worst dinosaur movies of the 90s, but I loved it when I was little. So, what is it? Prehysteria!, a direct-to-video movie from 1993 that went direct-to-my-heart because dinosaurs and that kid from Last Action Hero.
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REVIEW: The Croods

Posted 7 years ago by Movies


With the economic downturn over the last several years, there are probably quite a few fathers who can relate to caveman Grug Crood in some small way.  Just keep your head down, nose to the grindstone, keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them for the last 20 years, and you’ll somehow keep the family going.  But then, disaster strikes, and there’s no choice but to venture outside your comfortable confines in order to survive.  For the Croods, the disaster is a lot worse than a layoff or a defaulted mortgage; their home is destroyed as their entire world quite literally comes crashing down around them.  The only thing Grug, wife Ugga, mother-in-law Gran, eldest sister Eep, middle son Thunk, and feral toddler Sandy can do is run into the great unknown of a jungle they never even knew existed.

While there, they meet Guy, an idea man with a slightly more rounded forehead who has survived alone by his wits, cunning, and a little help from his sloth pants-holder-upper/comic relief sidekick, Belt.  Guy creates fire to keep predators away at night, he understands the concept of shoes, and can set elaborate traps to snare food.  He also has a plan: to get to the high ground before this thing he’s calling “the end” catches up with all of them.  But Grug doesn’t like change…and he doesn’t like the way his teenage daughter is so enamored with this new Guy, either.
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