Scott Pilgrim Coming to DVD and Blu-ray on 11/9!

Posted 10 years ago by Movies

If there could possibly be anything good about Scott Pilgrim tanking at the box office and having a very short run in theaters, it has to be that we get to have it on Blu-ray in early November. I can’t wait to own this, and I’ll probably watch it 5 times in the first week I get it. Hopefully, all the people who didn’t go see this will buy it on DVD or Blu-ray and help the studio make up its loss.

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Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes [Rapid Review]

Posted 10 years ago by Movies

Having seen one of the more modern incarnations of Tom and Jerry, I was a little skeptical to watch Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes. It’s not the classic Tom and Jerry from days of old, but I realized that the target audience is children, and they’ll surely like it.

As a bonus, they did retain some of the classic charm and feel of the original Tom and Jerry shorts, so if you watch this with a youngin, you won’t go too crazy.

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Batman Brave and the Bold DVD Review

Posted 10 years ago by Television

Batman: The Brave and the Bold is a show I’ve been waiting a long time to watch. We don’t get any TV channels or watch any new television at our house (by choice), but every once in a while a show catches our attention and we rely on DVD to check it out. Being a proud member of the geek community, I’d been hearing a lot about Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

Unfortunately as it is with most children’s TV shows, the DVD releases are numerous and don’t contain very many episodes. This was and is the case with Batman, because rather than releasing a full season one set, WB has divided the season and released Season One, Volume One. It’s the first 13 episodes on 2 discs when it could have easily been the entire first season.

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Help Me Save Scott Pilgrim with Horrible Night and GEEKSOAP

Posted 10 years ago by Movies


I’ve had several drafts of wordy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World reviews saved, but each one ends up being angrier than the last. Why am I angry? Because this is the type of movie that Hollywood should be making for my generation, but it’s currently drowning at the box office and as a result and we’ll probably end up with more Transformers, GI Joe, and Monopoly movies instead.

I heard it best described as “An Epic for the Nintendo Generation,” and that’s about right. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, quit what you’re doing right now and go to the theater. Don’t wait for it to hit DVD/Blu-ray, don’t illegally download it, go see it. It is brilliant in every way, and chances are, if you read this site much, you’ll love it.

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Batman Beyond: The Complete Series Coming Nov. 23rd

Posted 10 years ago by Television

Nothing beats perfect timing. I’ve been making my way through the Batman: The Animated Series set lately and feeling the urge to watch Batman Beyond again. I loved the show growing up, and my wife has never seen it. I was about to start buying the seasons, but on November 23rd, WB is going to release a spiffy complete series set.

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