Oz: The Great and Powerful Blu-ray Review

Posted 7 years ago by Uncategorized


I’ll admit, I had no interest in seeing Oz: The Great and Powerful when it came out. I thought it looked pretty dumb, and I’m not the biggest Wizard of Oz fan around, so I skipped it when it was in theaters. Disney reached out to see if I wanted to review the Blu-ray, and I thought I would give it a shot, and I’m glad I did. It was better than I thought it would be.

It’s no great film, but it gets an A for effort and it was pretty enjoyable to watch at home. Sam Raimi’s directing style still shines through the CGI occasionally and reminds you that a pretty accomplished filmmaker is behind it all. Odds are that Oz is a much better movie than Lone Ranger, which is currently bombing hard at the box office.
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