Planet of the Cars

Posted 9 years ago by Podcast, Uncategorized

In the inaugural episode of Bubble Pipe Theater, Tommy, John, Tim, and Rob discuss the ‘Baby Monkey (Going Backwards on a Pig)’ phenomenom, a horrible movie called Birdemic, an eerie correlation between Planet of the Apes and Pixar’s Cars franchise, and everyone’s current obsessions. We’re excited to kick off this geek culture podcast, and we hope you bear with us through the first few episodes as we get all the technical details ironed out.

And You Thought ‘Cars 2’ Was Bad

Posted 9 years ago by Movies

I know, I know. It’s not technically Pixar, but come on Lasseter, you’re turning into a bit of a hypocrite. Remember the John Lasseter that stormed into Disney when he took command and cancelled all the horrible direct-to-DVD sequels and spin-offs that were in production? Wha’ Happen?

Via Cartoon Brew