We’ve been talking an awful lot about new and upcoming LEGO sets lately on Top Hat Sasquatch, but today I wanted to take a trip down memory lane and write the first post in a new series called Toys I Had. We’re going to be taking a look at the LEGO Town set 6350: Pizza to Go.
The year was 1994 and I was a 9 year-old kid who’s Dad happened to own a pizza restaurant when this set came out. Add the fact that I loved LEGO and it was inevitable that I would get this and build it in to my gradually expanding plastic city. Finally, the policemen, firemen, convicts, and fashionable 90’s city minifigs would have a place to eat, courtesy of the new local Pizzeria. They wouldn’t even have to leave their multi-colored, open-roofed houses to get it, because 6350 not only included the Pizzeria, but also a delivery truck. Awesome.
I’ve always had a soft-spot for LEGO city, mainly because there were no licensed sets when I was at my prime brick-buying age and I ended up with police stations, fire stations, space shuttles, and of course…a pizzeria.
The Specs
LEGO Town 6350 was a cheap, $15ish set and had 142 pieces. It’s an easy build but it has a fun style. There’s a chef, delivery driver, and female customer included in the set, as well as five awesome little plastic pizzas. The pizzeria itself has an oven, complete with a paddle the chef can use to pull the pies out.
I dug out my old tub of LEGO bricks and got online and found the instruction manual for this set, and after a lot of digging I found most of the original pieces and was able to reconstruct it.
The delivery truck is compact and has a few shutters that open up and leave you room to stash your plastic pies. The minifigs are pretty generic looking, like most of the 90s, but it’s still a cool set. In fact, as far as I know it’s only one of two pizza-related LEGO sets, and I think it looks a lot better than the pizzeria included in the City Corner set.
Insert Brick Oven Pun
I have a vision of rebuilding a LEGO city entirely with sets from the 90s, but that would be a hard vision to stick with. That would mean no minifig version of me riding around town on a moped, or any of the crazy characters from the minigures line. Instead it’d have the Breezeway Cafe, plain houses and people wearing funny clothes. And most of the men would have mustaches for some reason.
Whether that happens or not, I’m just glad I still have this little memory from my childhood. It sits on a shelf in my office and reminds me of the days I used to play with LEGO, and makes me look forward to the future when I have some little kids of my own and an excuse to play again.