‘Ducktales: Remastered’ Makes Me Say WOO-OO

Posted 7 years ago by Games

Ducktales Remastered

I’m a little behind on this news, but it’s still awesome so who cares. Out of nowhere, game maker Capcom announced that they’re remastering the classic NES game Ducktales and that it will be released on PSN, XBLA, and Wii U this summer. Awesome. I love this trend of redoing the graphics of old games, and I’ll take anything new with the Ducktales name on it. I hope this means Disney is secretly planning on revisiting some of its Disney Afternoon cartoons and going something new with them, because that would be awesome.

I was so pumped about this that as soon as I heard the news, I grabbed my guitar and belted out the Ducktales theme song as loudly as I could. Then again, it doesn’t take much to get me to do that. It’s always the song I play when I’m bored, need to be pumped up, or just want to waste time.

Hey look, a trailer!