My Only Star Trek Toy – A Tricorder

Posted 11 years ago by Toys


Ok, so like everyone else, I’ve seen the new Star Trek movie and absolutely love it. Because of this, I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Trek and it’s place in my childhood, as well as how I’m in danger of becoming a Trekkie now. My dad was a big ST fan, but we only ever had the movies around the house. I remember watching the shows occasionally, but my memories of Kirk and Spock will always be from the films, especially The Voyage Home.

I never had any Star Trek action figures. In fact, the only Star Trek toy I had growing up was a Tricorder from The Next Generation. I don’t know what a Tricorder is, but it blinked, made cool noises, and had a belt clip, so that was about all I needed to know.

Unfortunately, like most toys from my youth, I have no clue what happened to it. Maybe I’ll become a huge Trekkie and hunt one down on ebay. Maybe I’ll just watch videos of huge Trekkies.

Or better yet, I’ll just get the Tricorder iPhone app.

  • I haven’t seen the movie yet, but a few months ago, I watched the documentary Trekkies, and THAT made want to get into the series.