LEGO Harry Potter Trailer

Posted 11 years ago by Games

LEGO Harry Potter

Oh great. Not only am I putting up with the fact that I’m slowing getting pulled into the Harry Potter world AND I’m addicted to the LEGO video games, but now there is a LEGO Harry Potter game. Good thing it doesn’t come out until 2010, because I would probably stop working, sleeping, and showering until I was done if it came out sooner.

The game will cover the first four books and movies, which I think will work out a lot better than the LEGO Indiana Jones games, which was three films in one game, followed by a new film plus the three last ones again. Yeah, 1-4 sounds a lot less confusing.

You can check out the official site to see a cool behind the scenes video of some broom-flying action, as well as download wallpapers and such.

  • mick

    i kan’t wait im so excited im such a harry potter fan !