Disney’s Aladdin Next to Become a Broadway Show, Reports Captain Obvious

Posted 7 years ago by Music


I’ve been wondering when Disney was going to turn Aladdin, aka My Favorite Freaking Disney Movie Ever™ into a Broadway musical. It’s so obvious. What I didn’t know is that there is a stage-show of Aladdin that has been turing around the country for a while now.

The version of “Aladdin” that hits Broadway next year will be substantially overhauled and will not be a transfer of the 5th Avenue production…That show was seen as a pilot production, designed to test the new book and additional score material. The Broadway production will involve a major new key player on the creative team, the individual said.

I’m sure Robin Williams had much to do with the awesomeness of Aladdin (especially the musical numbers), but don’t tell me this wouldn’t make a great Broadway show. I can’t believe it took this long.

Speaking of things taking forever, when is Aladdin coming to Blu-ray? Hmm Disney? When?!

Via SlashFilm